**eastward movement is included



the time has come for a self-administered attention 'cap.' the rationale? besides the gravitational pull i feel towards prosaic steam-of-consciousness posts, i want to explore the possibility of eliminating headaches and my paralytic grass-is-greener syndrome.

1. work. architecture. wall sections. interior details. blah blah blah. balancing a variety of contradictory tasks and differing scales is making more sense. on the other hand, the subtext of everything at the moment could be entitled "fake it until you make it."*
2. biking.
3. my blog. this really should not be ranked this high. obviously, it's placement now completely defeats the purpose of numbering each of these tasks/entertainment sources.

Rany on the Royals. i need royals insider information. this blog adequately and thoroughly brings me up to speed. ironically, the kansas city star's coverage is weak.**
5. chuck klosterman's new book,
IV. it's veritable literary junk food. genuinely hilarious. undeniably necessary.
6. The Huffington Post.
7. Pitchfork, and Stereogum.***

8. continually crafting my '2008' playlist on itunes.

9. thinking about re-working my portfolio.

10. sleep.

11. eating.

*the purpose of everything following #1 is to counteract the destructive and stressful nature of it. unfortunately, #1 has managed to make everything else more difficult than it used to. i'm going to assume this can be referred to as "aging."
**let the record show i still don't think i know if i'm using irony correctly.

***shut up.


don't let anyone tell you the age of irony is over.

it's 10.45 pm.
it's sunday.
i'm taking a cab home from work because my bike has a flat.
the overzealous cabbie enthusiastically reminds me as i leave his car:

"alright. good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, and avoid the slugs unless they're wearing a condom."

i tipped him $2 on a $5 ride.
i had no problems falling into a deep slumber.

About _

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New York, New York, United States
I take myself too seriously most of the time and I am trying to do that less. I remind some people of Woody Allen. I occationally indulge in the weekend camping trip. I adamantly support the Kansas City Royals baseball club. My identity is wrapped up in a few simple things, most of which are continuously displayed on this here blog.

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